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금융투자협회 회원사들의 채용정보를 알려드립니다.

회원사 채용안내 상세보기
제목 [스팍스자산운용] 도쿄 본사 글로벌 마케팅 (GBD)
등록일 2022-07-27 17:22:12 조회수 2373
회원사명 스팍스자산운용 접수기간 20220727~
사이트바로가기 www.sparxkorea.com
첨부1 SAM GBDCS_JobDescription_20210601_Clean.docx
첨부2 스팍스자산운용(주) 지원자 개인 정보 수집 및 이용 동의서.docx
일본 도쿄에 소재한 스팍스자산운용(SPARX Asset Management Co.,Ltd.) 본사에서 다음과 같이 사원을 모집합니다.
(근무지- 일본 도쿄)

Specific Title
- Global Business Development and Client Service Department ? Marketing and Client Service

- To increase the Institutional sales efforts and to contribute to the overall AUM growth target.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Contributes to achieve AUM Growth objectives assigned to GBDCS team with existing and prospective clients of SPARX in line with SPARX’s business plan.
2. Promotes SPARX and its service and investment strategies through consultative sales activity including prospecting, cold calling, virtual meetings and face-to-face meetings which requires traveling to overseas.
3. Maintains current and comprehensive client details including needs and communication logs, marketing activities and pipelines on client relationship management system for record keeping and pipeline management.
4. Works closely with Investment & Research Team to create a broad range of effective sales and marketing materials. Examples include, but are not limited to, company brochures, strategies and products and scheme brochures and consultative analysis on products. Ensures Compliance sign-off of all sales and marketing materials before distribution to clients.
5. Responses to RFPs effectively from prospective clients.
6. Provides reliable services for the existing clients and increase clients satisfaction.
7. Provides regular reporting to existing clients and responses to ad-hoc requests from existing clients promptly. Examples include, but are not limited to, making investment reports and revision in existing agreements. Having good understandings of the background and liaising with relevant departments such as Investment and Research, Trading, Risk, Operations and Legal and Compliance are required.

- Required
* Empathy for the SPARX’s Group mission
* Strong interests in global capital markets
* Strong interests in global fund business
* Proven ability to successfully develop strong working relationships with people from diverse backgrounds such as nationality, gender, language, age and religion.
* Strong leadership and personnel development skills to contribute to firm-wide (including overseas subsidiaries) projects
* Proven ability to fulfill multi-tasks and flexibility to be reallocated to different department depending on the business environment
* Proven ability to think and perform strategically and to make reasonable business judgments.
* Long-term perspective for career development
* Working knowledge of all MS Office software.
* High proficiency in English including speaking, listening, reading and writing.
* (For candidates whose first language is not Japanese) High proficiency in Japanese including speaking, listening
* Age: Under 35 year old
- Preferred
* Extensive technical and product knowledge of investment offerings and professional investment qualifications / accreditation such as CMA, CFA, Security Dealers License and others are highly regarded.
* Financial services experience with Sales experience to financial institutional such as asset managers Pensions, SWFs and Family Offices and others are highly regarded.
* Strong interests in responsible investing

1) 이메일 접수: hr@sparxkorea.com
2) 제출 서류: 영문 이력서 (MS Word 또는 PDF, 메일 제목 및 파일명에 지원 분야와 성명 기재 (예: GBD_홍길동), 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의서(첨부 파일/접수 시 필첨)
3) 접수 기간: 채용 완료 시 까지
4) 합격자 발표: 면접 진행자에게 합격 여부 개별 통보

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※ 관련 문의: 경영관리본부 (02-570-1600)