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금융투자협회 회원사들의 채용정보를 알려드립니다.

회원사 채용안내 상세보기
제목 Credit Analyst / Portfolio Manager at Fixed Income Investment
등록일 2017-08-25 08:59:29 조회수 3153
회원사명 하나UBS자산운용 접수기간 20170825~20170907
사이트바로가기 www.ubs.com

Please refer to the below job description for an attachment recruited at UBS Hana Asset Management.

Credit Analyst holding additional Portfolio Manager Role in the Division of Fixed Income

[Your role]
Do you have a research track record in Korea corporate bonds? And do you have a track record or professional experience in fixed income portfolio management? Are you absolutely focused on the client? We are looking for someone like that to:
- undertake credit assessments of corporates (using qualitative and quantitative methods)
- make fundamental and relative value trade recommendations to portfolio managers
- conduct meetings with company management and provide feedback to portfolio managers
- prepare thematic research pieces
- contribute more broadly to the global credit research effort (where possible)
- contribute to active strategy setting in Korea Fixed Income portfolios with specific focus on the credit risk management
- be responsible for trade instructions, portfolio construction, risk management and mandate compliance
- contribute to development and enhancement of research and investment process

[Your team]
You will be a Credit Analyst holding additional fixed Income Portfolio Manager's role in UBS Hana Asset Management Co., Ltd., based in Seoul. As a Credit analyst, you are responsible for fundamental credit research of Korea investment grade corporates. The research activities form the basis for recommendations to the fund managers of the Korea fixed income portfolios and where required Asia-Pacific fixed income portfolios and global portfolios. As a fixed income portfolio manager, you are responsible for all aspects of portfolio management and implementation of investment strategy for institutional clients and mutual funds.

[Your experience and skills]
You are:
- experienced in credit analysis of the Korea corporate space and in-depth research on the credit market (vital for this role!)
- fluent in Korean and English (writing, reading and speaking)
- Over 10 years of experience gained mainly in an asset management, or other financial services institution involved in the fixed income strategy, portfolio management and credit investment
- certified investment manager (by KOFIA)

You have:
- a Bachelor Degree, CA/CPA/CFA/MBA preferred
- 3+ years relevant credit experience.
- a background in Banking, Rating Agency, Accounting firm or Funds Management.
- a good understanding of balance sheets, cash flows and accounting methods.
- previous experience in financial modelling experience skills.
- detailed knowledge of core products (Bonds, CDS, Structured products).
- strong understanding of Korea bond market, fixed income instruments, trading, operational and regulatory environment.
- sound understanding of macro-economic drivers of markets and ability to interpret trends and market impact.
- leadership and people skill.

[Application closing date]
Deadline is 7 September 2017 (Thu)

[Recruitment Process]
CV Screening - Interviews

[How to Apply]
Since we NO longer accept resumes/CVs by hard copy or email, the candidate must search with Job Req No:157033BR and upload his/her resume at the below site.
Go to https://www.ubs.com/global/en/about_ubs/careers/professionals.html (Professionals - Search & Apply / Search openings- Keyword '157033')

[Special Note]
면접전형은 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 실시하며, 서류전형 합격자께만 개별통지 드립니다.

UBS Hana Asset Management