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회원사 채용안내 상세보기
제목 [제이피모간체이스은행] Technology Relationship Manager - Securities Services - Associate
등록일 2024-10-31 16:00:55 조회수 1186
회원사명 제이피모간증권 접수기간 ~
사이트바로가기 jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1001/job/210567141/?utm_medium=jobshare
Job Description:
Seeking a collaborative and client focused Technology Relationship Manager (TRM) to join the team in Korea!
As a Technology Relationship manager within the Securities Services Client Service group, you’ll ensure client satisfaction through targeted and stable technology delivery, to represent the Client’s Technology Model to our JPMorgan partners (Technology, Operations, Client Service Managers, Product Development, Product, across LOBs), and to represent JPMorgan’s Technology Platform to our Client partners (Technology and Operations). You will be partnering with JPMorgan Technology (Production Management, Application Development and Technology Infrastructure) and Clients to maintain delivery, analyze, propose and implement enhanced client workflow through deployment of technology solutions across all electronic channels.